全面的、可搜索的当代的、政治的和老式的漫画和动画库。所有内容都可以立即许可下载或购买礼品。 在线漫画数据库平台是一个可搜索的数据库平台,提供超过30万幽默漫画、政治漫画、卡通漫画、漫画插图等网络资源,集合了世界各地的优秀漫画家的优秀作品。提供在线下载和打印的漫画资源网站,由一个专业的漫画团队维护运营,成立于1997年初,随着不断的发展,已经成为了漫画界的优秀发行商。 is a searchable database of over 300,000 gag cartoons, political cartoons, cartoon pictures and illustrations by more than 700 of the world's best cartoonists.Based in the city of Bath in the west of England, was founded in early 1997 as a stock-house through which quality cartoonists could sell unpublished work, or work in which they had retained the copyright. We sell to large and small publishers, advertising, design and PR agencies and countless corporate purchasers and private individuals worldwide. As well as selling stock, we can also arrange the commissioning of artwork from almost all of our artists. was founded and is still run by Ed Beardwell a new media consultant/developer, Engineer and Chartered Accountant and Joel Mishon, a professional cartoonist. Our close knit team has a wealth of knowledge of the cartooning industry and we can provide assistance with almost all cartoon sourcing issues.Comprehensive, searchable library of contemporary, political and vintage cartoons and animations. All content can be licensed an downloaded instantly or bought on gift items.
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